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A Plumber… for Happiness!

Manisha Gupta, New Delhi-based Trainer & Consultant

What do you do when your bathroom drain is clogged? You probably take a vacuum pump and start pushing it hard, harder, still page11_1harder… What happens in the beginning? The harder you push; the dirty water inside the pipeline along with all accumulated trash comes out, towards you. The further you try pushing, the further distance the dirt spreads outward from the drain.  It may even soil you.

Now you’re left with only two options. One, you give that one last push before you finally give up. If that does the trick, you’ll notice the water suddenly starts flowing down the pipes. This is signaled by the quickening, spiraling circles the water makes at the drain mouth. It is also accompanied by the gurgling sound it makes, while flowing freely through the line. The drain is finally cleared, much to your comfort.

But if that last push still doesn’t do the job, then what do you do? Simple, silly! Call the plumber. He has all the equipment including that special pump, wire, pipe and what not. He assesses the situation and accordingly uses the appropriate tool to clear the blockage. Most of the time, that special pump, which can go deep within the drain right to the bottom, can fix the problem. He pushes at this pump when it has gone right inside the drain. Gives it four or five hard jerks and Viola! The drain is cleared. At other occasions, he may make use of the other implements.

Now think about your choked emotions through the pipeline of your heart and stagnant thoughts in your mind. When you try to push hard at these with the intent of clearing them, in the beginning, they seem to come out towards you, with much greater force. After you have tried your best to clear this heart-line and mind-line, and the problem still remains, all you need is a heart-mind- plumber. He knows the tricks of clearing your heart and mind of the emotional and intellectual baggage that is clogging the line.

Once this done, “your” drains are clear and this is signaled by the quickening, spiraling circles your emotions and thoughts make over your heart and mind, while they go with the flow of life. And, of-course, you can actually hear this clear feeling in your happiness.So, don’t delay if your emotional drain is choked. Go right ahead and call the Happiness Plumber…!

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